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Addressing Common Fears About Drinking Ship Water

Addressing Common Fears About Drinking Ship Water

Can I Drink the Tap Water on a Cruise Ship?

One common fear about cruise ship travel is that the tap water is not safe to drink. However, this is a myth. The tap water on cruise ships is safe to drink and meets all the same standards as the tap water in your home. In fact, many cruise ships use state-of-the-art water purification systems that make the tap water even cleaner than the water in your home.

What is Shipboard Potable Water?

Shipboard potable water is water that is safe to drink, bathe in, and use in whirlpools. It either comes from a desalination plant on the ship or is taken on board at ports of call. Desalination plants remove salt and other impurities from seawater, making it safe to drink.

Can I Bring My Own Bottled Water or Soda Onboard?

You are allowed to bring your own bottled water and soda onboard Royal Caribbean cruise ships. However, you will need to declare it at the security checkpoint. You will also need to pay a corkage fee if you want to drink your own alcohol in the dining room or other public areas.


The tap water on cruise ships is safe to drink. You can also bring your own bottled water or soda onboard if you prefer. So, there's no need to be afraid to drink the water on your next cruise!
